Interested in obtaining your own operating authority? Interstate commerce is trade, traffic, or transportation involving either the vehicle, its passengers, or cargo crossing a state boundary. Intrastate commerce is trade, traffic, or transportation within a single state.
If your operations include interstate commerce, you must comply with the applicable Federal safety regulations and Operating Authority rules, in addition to state and local requirements.
If you operate exclusively in intrastate commerce, you must comply with applicable state and local regulations with the only Federal regulations applicable are: the commercial driver's license requirement, controlled substances and alcohol testing for all persons required to possess a CDL; and minimum levels of financial responsibility for the intrastate transportation of certain quantities of hazardous materials and substances.
Find out what you need to obtain your own Interstate or Intrastate Operating Authority.
Interstate Authority
Also referred to as an "MC","FF" or "MX" number, depending on the type of authority that is granted. Generally, 'for-hire' carriers engaging in interstate commerce are required to have Interstate Authority Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
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To obtain an intrastate authority certificate to conduct for hire business within Wisconsin , you must submit the following: